Striking a Balance: Optimal Use of Pesticides f...
Introduction Pesticides play a crucial role in protecting crops from harmful pests and diseases, ensuring higher yields, and maintaining food security. However, their indiscriminate and excessive use can have adverse...
Striking a Balance: Optimal Use of Pesticides f...
Introduction Pesticides play a crucial role in protecting crops from harmful pests and diseases, ensuring higher yields, and maintaining food security. However, their indiscriminate and excessive use can have adverse...
Future of India's agriculture sector
The Future of Indian Agriculture: Navigating Challenges and Embracing Opportunities: 1. Technological Advancements: The Digital Green Revolution 2. Climate Change Resilience: Adapting to New Realities 3. Sustainable Farming Practices: Preserving...
Future of India's agriculture sector
The Future of Indian Agriculture: Navigating Challenges and Embracing Opportunities: 1. Technological Advancements: The Digital Green Revolution 2. Climate Change Resilience: Adapting to New Realities 3. Sustainable Farming Practices: Preserving...
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